Our thorough candidate screening approach incorporates a blend of technical and competency-based interviewing methods:

Technical Testing

Tappan Search is associated with a global industry leading Technical Testing partner that gives us the ability to assess prospective candidates as part of the screening process. We have access to thousands of technical tests that can be administered and reviewed prior to the formal interviewing process; saving you valuable time. Furthermore, when discussing projects in detail with prospective hires; we are also able to identify inconsistencies to ensure their resume matches that of their actual abilities.

Competency-Based Interviewing

Through a structured line of questioning we are able to assess the behaviour and fit of candidates to ensure they are not just a match for the role technically, but also culturally. We are also able to pre-empt their behaviours in certain situations, enabling you to manage them in the correct style. Through reviewing their resume and speaking through their past experienced face-to-face, we are able to critique their experience; understand their current abilities and also their desires for the future including their career aspirations. We are also able to advise if the candidate could be a match for pre-planned succession in your business which may be included in your future plans.